Monday, April 16, 2012

While I'm Waiting

Recently I have decided to give up dating in highschool. Its been a hard but thought out choice that I have commmitted myself to. I thnk alot of times girls in highschool tend to become so foucused on having a boyfriend and getting that attention from any guys and in the process the attention becomes an idol to them. So much so, that we enter into relationships blindly and end up compromising ourselves and getting hurt in the end. During the three years i have been in high school i've seen this repeated incident so many times. Girls believing that the guy they are with is unique and special and theres non other out there like him. Alot of the time though our attraction to someone clouds our decision making in making the choice to date someone. When you think about it, how many relationships in highschool are two people souly getting to know eachother better? SO many times we rush past getting to know someone and jump into a relationship with no base of friendship. I think thats why many relationships only last for a few months. Attraction pulls two people in and then fades quickly. If your planning on being in a healthy relationship get to know that person and get to know his heart. You hear of marrages that last over 50 years and alot of times we think "how do they do it?" or "How are you able to stay with someone that long through the 80+ fights, 20+ slammed doors, 1258+ appologies and  the 154 +misunderstandings?" Attraction in that case would have only lasted through the 87th appology or the 13th slammed door. Its the rooted friendship that keeps a couple together in the end. I once heard my pastor talking about what he tells his son when treating girls. He tells him to trerat every girl  he comes in contact with like they are someones wife. Because eventually in the future they will be someday. How would you like it girls if some God showed you the guy you were going to marry in the future today and they were in a steady compromising relationship with a girl? If you are entering a relationship always ask yourself "could i see myself with this guy in the future?" becuase if there is no goal such as marrrage then the relationship is most likely unhealthy and not one comes out of it without the other being physically or emotionally hurt.   I strongly believe theres someone out there that God so perfectly made for me. Someone whom on my own I could not pick out. So in the meantime, put your complete trust in Him and have faith that on his timing it will happen. Girls start praying for your husbands now. How amazing would it be if you started praying now; then when you meet eachother and realize hes the one, you would be able to tell him you were praying for him long before ya'll even met.

I know waiting is hard but its written over and over again in scripture to trust in him and remain hopeful. And when that moment comes, it will be well worth all the ones waited.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight
Proverbs 3:5-6

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