Saturday, May 17, 2014

Be filled with My joy

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"
-Proverbs 17:22

What kind of heart do you have as you do ministry? I was thinking about the life of Jesus and He never did ministry because "that's what the Father had on the schedule to do that day." He did it from the love he had from knowing and worshiping the Father. He did it out of gratitude.

He did it out of joy.

Likewise, I believe the same applies with us. When we go feed the homeless, care for our sick family member, serve our community, or go on a mission trip overseas, do we find joy in what we are doing or are we just doing it out of obligation or because "that's what the church had planned that day"?

God wants us to serve Him with JOY. This joy talked about in the bible is so powerful that it has the ability to strengthens us. ("the joy of the Lord is our strength"- Nehemiah 8:10). I believe one of the greatest things that I have learned about joy is that so much of the time the enemy wants to steal our joy because he knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength. The enemy wants to weaken us so he goes after our strength and attempts to cut off the source of that strength which would be our joy.

So guard your joy, for from it flows your strength. And ask yourself today, whatever you may be doing, how will I show joy?

Father, I want to be good medicine.

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